
Leadership, Software Development, Tech Industry, &c

Conway’s Law: A Necessary Precision

A few months ago I revisited Conway’s law, a famous adage that says a system’s design structure mirrors its designing organization’s structure. I found that this wording, while prevalent and generally correct, is incomplete; read on for the resulting expanded viewpoint and some applications.

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A Yoda-Inspired Task Management Tip

As Disney takes Star Wars mania to new levels, I find it increasingly difficult to remain the odd guy who’s never seen a movie or knows much about the series. In truth, it’s impossible to fully evade this cultural phenomenon, and indeed one of my favorite project/task management techniques comes from a timeless phrase by master Yoda: Do, or do not; there is no try. I’m a big fan of David Allen’s Getting Things Done and Michael Linenberger’s Manage Your Now methods. Read more →

Research Project Finished: ADL-Assisted High-Level Electronics Design

Almost 21 months ago, I announced here an applied research project to explore the feasibility of using the concepts of architectural description languages (ADLs) to provide automated assistance of high-level electronics design. This was supposed to take around 12 months, but it took quite a bit longer than expected. Thankfully, I wrapped it up by last February. You can read my draft paper here, and peruse and play with the source code here. Read more →

Three Leadership Lessons from Satya Nadella

As another year picks up steam, I’m once again reminded that “time flies like an arrow”.  For instance, though it feels like it was yesterday, in February 2015 it’ll be a year since Satya Nadella became Microsoft’s new CEO.  Tasked with implementing sweeping changes at the technology behemoth, some of his moves have been expected and applauded, while others have been surprising and controversial.  Most of us don’t run a large company for a living, but I think there are three very basic steps that can be inferred from Nadella’s style that are worth keeping fresh in our own jobs.

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The Rise of the Task Management Inbox

Much of today’s task management issues stem from using the email inbox as a task management system.  Thus far, solutions have revolved around re-educating ourselves on inbox management.  Now, a couple startups (and at least one large email player) are actually rethinking the way our inbox works.  As they carefully tread new ground, task management laypeople will benefit immediately, while productivity experts will initially struggle with this new paradigm.

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My Android Wear Battery Drain Story

Last Friday, my LG G Watch informed me a system update was ready to install.  Eager to get Android Wear 5.0.1, and having already applied two updates to the watch with no issues, I installed it immediately.  After a minor hiccup, the update was apparently successful, but then both the watch and my phone begun experiencing battery drain.   A factory reset on the watch fixed it, but I only found out what was really going on by serendipity; here’s the story, in case it’s useful to someone else.

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Defuse Micromanagement by Emphasizing Time Instead of Control

If you enjoy working with micro-managers, you can skip the rest of this post.

OK.  Now that I have your attention, let me offer a suggestion for dealing with the micro-managers in your environment by approaching them with a genuine intention to help with –not correct– this trait.  Help them deal with the impact it has on their time, as opposed of making it about the way they control their duties.

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Tech Giants: Please Make Security Usable

Another week, another round of high-profile tech announcements…  And security woes.  Apple announced its new Pay service, which may finally make digital payments mainstream.  It was, however, tainted by concerns arising from “Celebgate” and the presumed role iCloud security played in it.  Meanwhile, Google was busy explaining that the five million Gmail credentials recently published by Russian hackers hadn’t been obtained from their servers.  Tech giants have successfully transitioned us to a cloud-based digital lifestyle, but a lot of work remains to ensure security is actually usable and effective enough.

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Risk and Reward: Type Consistency Matters

Traffic was rather heavy as I was driving home from work today. At some point, I noticed the lane to my right was clear, whereas a few feet ahead my lane was jammed. I started changing lanes, but then the car ahead of me (which was fully stopped) attempted to do the same. As I had more room, I stepped a bit firmer on the gas, hoping the other car noticed and let me pass to its right. Read more →